Personal injury lawyers have the training and licensing to practice in almost all fields of law with specialties in tort law. This can include auto accidents, medical malpractice, wrongful death, workers’ compensation, railroad accidents, consumer fraud, asbestos and environmental claims, and more. The Montana personal injury attorneys at Kovacich Snipes Johnson, P.C. work in all these areas.

In any accident, you may have a hard time thinking clearly and taking the right steps. It’s always important to do your best to keep calm and do the following:

  • Seek medical treatment, even if you don’t have any obvious injuries
  • Call 911 and cooperate fully with the police
  • Gather the contact and insurance information of the other driver, as well as names of any witnesses
  • Take pictures of the scene
  • Do not admit fault to the other driver, the police, or any insurance adjusters who contact you
  • Inform your insurance company of the accident
  • Keep any medical bills and related records of the accident
  • Contact an attorney

A thorough investigation of the accident will help determine who was at fault and what compensation is due to injured parties. Having a skilled Montana car accident attorney on your side can help you take your case to the most favorable outcome.

Any type of accident has the risk of leading to serious injuries – and financial damages through medical bills as well. When your incident isn’t your fault, but another party’s, that party then becomes responsible for paying your medical expenses. Your insurance policy may also help cover some of the costs.

The exact amount of your compensation from the responsible party will depend on the details of your case, including the degree of fault, the extent of injuries, possible future medical costs, and more. These details may also determine if you need to use any of your insurance benefits to help pay for medical costs.

Many situations can bring the need for a personal injury lawyer:

  • You have sustained serious injuries with possible long-term consequences.
  • You were in an auto accident and the other party has no insurance or is uninsured.
  • You aren’t sure what counts as appropriate compensation for your injuries.
  • You are unsure of your rights related to the accident.
  • You and the other party are in dispute over who was at fault.
  • You feel pressured to reach a settlement quickly.
  • You don’t understand the statute of limitations related to your case.

Even if you ultimately do not need to file a claim or go to court for your accident, contacting an attorney is still in your best interest. At Kovacich Snipes Johnson, P.C. we offer free consultations for any case, during which we can help you understand your rights and determine your next best legal steps.

As personal injury attorneys, we work on a contingency-fee basis. What this means is that you only pay us if we resolve your case successfully with a settlement or judgment. If for any reason we can’t win you compensation, then you pay us nothing.

Some accidents result in injuries that can require time off from work or limited hours. Both of these situations can have adverse effects on your income. Long-lasting injuries can even cause extensive amounts of lost income. If another party is at fault for your accident, you can recover compensation to make up for current and future lost income. In Montana, you may even be able to receive compensation for lost wages immediately, even before your case has reached settlement or judgment.