Helping Those Suffering From Mesothelioma
When individuals are exposed to dangerous levels of asbestos, it is possible that they will suffer from mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer that forms in the walls around many major organs. It is often found in the lining of the lungs of those who were not protected from asbestos that they came into contact with while performing their daily job activities.
Unfortunately, those who suffer from mesothelioma have a very grim prognosis. Fighting the disease can be very difficult and extremely costly. Those who have been diagnosed with the condition should see an experienced attorney as soon as possible to learn more about the compensation that may be available to them.
How We Can Help
The law firm of Kovacich Snipes Johnson, P.C., in Great Falls, Montana, has handled over 1,000 asbestos-related claims for our clients. We are one of a select few law firms in the state that has such extensive experience with these types of claims.
Our attorneys, all seasoned litigators, will be aggressive advocates for your case. We will make sure that you get the appropriate care for your condition. We will review the factors that led to your illness, and seek maximum compensation from those responsible.
We want to stress how important it is for you to work with a local firm when you have an asbestos or mesothelioma case in Montana. Our attorneys know the law, and the sources of compensation that may be available to you. Out-of-state law firms sometimes lack the familiarity with the avenues of compensation available to those suffering from mesothelioma in Montana.
Unlike other states, Montana law often allows you to sue your employer if it caused your condition. If you do not take advantage of these laws, you may not be able to recover full compensation, potentially losing out on a million dollars or more that you would otherwise be entitled to receive.
Trust An Experienced Montana Asbestos Law Firm With Your Claim
We have a long history of obtaining positive results in mesothelioma cases. To schedule your free strategy session with one of our lawyers, please call our Great Falls office at (406) 500-5000 or send us an email. We represent clients throughout Montana with asbestos-related claims.